Do you ever find yourself perusing your collection of minis and notice that you don't have a particular model for an upcoming encounter? Or maybe you are trying to collect each monster listed in the Monster Manual, and just can't find exactly what you are looking for?
The good folks over at Center Stage Miniatures know where you are coming from, and they are currently soliciting your input. Stop on by the CSM forums (this thread in particular) and give them a few minutes of your time. I've already left my feedback - my board ID there is TheLeadDragon - and I must be omniscient or something!
It looks like Matt is trying to see what the people want, and hopefully give them exactly what they want, so kudos to him for that. I know I'll be following that thread and see what kind of miniature goodness CSM releases this year.
1 comment:
Thanks, LeadDragon!
We'll also be doing something with the winner of the old-school "Miniatures Contest" that was featured in Knockspell magazine.
More news on that later...
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