This blog is about the world of gaming miniatures, as seen from my perspective. I've been collecting and painting for over 30 years now, and while my primary focus is miniatures for D&D, I also enjoy many other games that use minis, so we'll be covering those as well. Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Fantastic Worlds of Grenadier is back!

A Kickstarter for the revised print edition of The Fantastic Worlds of Grenadier by Terence Gunn has gone live!

If you are a Grenadier collector and missed out on the original print edition, now is your chance to pick up a copy for only $35 (USD). And even if Grenadier isn't you focus, I'm pretty sure most miniature enthusiasts would be happy to own this book.

Best wishes to Terence for a successful KS campaign!